Day Nursery Owned by kinderzimmer UK in Buckinghamshire

8.6 Group Review Score (the average from all locations with a review score)
  • Day Nursery Owned by kinderzimmer UK in Buckinghamshire

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kinderzimmer UK Locations in Buckinghamshire (1)


1 Day Nursery owned by kinderzimmer UK in Buckinghamshire

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kinderzimmer Amersham

24 London Road West, Amersham HP7 0EZ 

8.0 1 review
"My daughter has been attending Kinderzimmer Amersham since it first opened in January. As she is my first and still young when starting…"   Read review
Location Type Day Nursery

Bringing top-quality early years education to the families of Amersham, kinderzimmer Amersham features seven playrooms and an expansive outdoor learning area that surrounds the rear of the building. kinderzimmer was excited to transform this three-story,… Read more about kinderzimmer Amersham

  • Type of Nursery
  • Day Nursery
  • 149 Places

kinderzimmer UK Reviews in Buckinghamshire (1)

kinderzimmer UK has a Group Review Score of 8.6 (8.646) out of 10. The Group Review Score is calculated using the average from all locations with a Review Score, and in addition 75%+ of all locations belonging to kinderzimmer UK must have a Review Score.

Overall Experience

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Date Published

Review of

kinderzimmer Amersham

from Asher Y (Father of Child) published on 12 March 2025
Overall Experience  Overall Experience 5.0 out of 5

My daughter has been attending Kinderzimmer Amersham since it first opened in January. As she is my first and still young when starting (only 7 months) I was very nervous about leaving her. However, the team at Kinderzimmer filled me with great confidence that we have chosen the best nursery for our
little girl.
My daughter is very warmly greeted in the mornings and by the giant smiles and excitement on her face can see she really does have wonderful bonds with all the staffing team. The staff show such a genuine passion for supporting children in their development and we can see how enriched the children's learning is.
My daughter is not long into her weaning journey and this is something the nursery having really been supporting us with. They use their nursery app to keep us updated with all her eating throughout the day so we can best prepare foods at home and gives us ideas for new meals to feed her. They also use the app to send up updates of her day with wonderful pictures.

Reply from Katherine, kinderzimmer Team at kinderzimmer Amersham

Thank you for such a glowing review, we're thrilled to hear your daughter is settling in so well at kinderzimmer Amersham and the team are supporting your family so well in her big milestones! We can't wait to see how she continues to thrive in the coming months and years.

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