Nurseries in postcode EH7

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3 EH7 Nurseries

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Bright Horizons Annandale Early Learning and Childcare

37 Annandale Street Lane, Edinburgh EH7 4LS 

9.8 53 reviews
"My son is just coming to the end of a two-and-a-half-year stay with Bright Horizons Annandale Early Learning and Childcare and I couldn't…"   Read all 53 reviews

A WELCOMING NURSERY IN THE HEART OF EDINBURGH You and your child will love this charming nursery in Edinburgh. The beautiful setting is designed to support your child’s development from the age of 3 months to 5 years, and is led by a long-standing… Read more about Bright Horizons Annandale Early Learning and Childcare

  • Type of Nursery
  • Day Nursery
  • 59 Places
Busy Bees Edinburgh Broughton

127 Broughton Road, Edinburgh EH7 4JH 

8.6 7 reviews
"So pleased with this nursery. The staff are so lovely and provide so much information on the app and at the end of the day. My daughter has…"   Read all 7 reviews

Busy Bees nursery Broughton, in Edinburgh provide an extensive variety of fun-filled activities and resources which are suited for children from babies through to pre-school age, so that they can learn and develop whilst having fun. With much to… Read more about Busy Bees Edinburgh Broughton

  • Type of Nursery
  • Day Nursery
  • 88 Places
Around the World Nursery

125 McDonald Road, Edinburgh EH7 4NW 

  • Type of Nursery
  • Day Nursery
  • 20 Places