Nurseries in postcode RG29

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1 RG29 Nurseries

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RAFA Kidz Odiham

Kersley Crescent, Odiham, Hook RG29 1QD 

9.9 27 reviews
"Our son has been attending RAFA Kidz Odiham for over a year, and we couldn't be happier with the care and support he receives. The staff…"   Read all 27 reviews
Group/Owner RAFA Kidz

Royal Air Forces Association charity created RAFA Kidz to provide superb childcare in the historic village of Odiham, Hampshire, home to the RAF Odiham base. The nursery team work in partnership with parents to support each child’s learning, development… Read more about RAFA Kidz Odiham

  • Type of Nursery
  • Day Nursery
  • 55 Places