Nurseries with Videos in and around Dover

1 Dover Nurseries with Videos (nearest to centre) | 32 Reviews

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Choochoos Day Nursery Dover

Crabble Hill, Dover CT17 0QD  1.5 miles away

9.9 32 reviews
"We have had a great experience since joining ChooChoos nursery a year ago. My little girl has come on so much in terms of her general…"   Read all 32 reviews

Choochoos Day Nursery Dover is the perfect setting for parents looking for a happy and engaging learning environment, nestled next to the scenic river Dour. Located in River, in the outskirts of Dover, the nursery is surrounded by beautiful countryside,… Read more about Choochoos Day Nursery Dover

  • Type of Nursery
  • Day Nursery
  • 51 Places