Nurseries with Videos in and around Felixstowe

2 Felixstowe Nurseries with Videos (nearest to centre) | 68 Reviews

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Busy Bees Ipswich Rushmere

1 St Andrew’s Walk, Rushmere St Andrew, Ipswich IP4 5RE  8.4 miles away

9.2 44 reviews
"Drop offs at nursery are a challenge, my son has never been happy to be left at nursery in the mornings but the staff in his room are…"   Read all 44 reviews

Busy Bees Headingley Grove is a purpose-built facility, dedicated to age-appropriate childcare, a trained and trustworthy team of staff and a secure and healthy environment. The nursery has incorporated CCTV for parents’ peace of mind and carers look… Read more about Busy Bees Ipswich Rushmere

  • Type of Nursery
  • Day Nursery
  • 112 Places
Twizzle Tops Day Nursery Ipswich

9 Cavendish Street, Ipswich IP3 8AX  9.6 miles away

7.8 24 reviews
"My son has been attending the nursery for almost a year now, since he turned 3. SENCo has been absolutely fab and really helpful and we…"   Read all 24 reviews

Twizzle Tops is a brand new, purpose-built nursery in Ipswich. The nursery offers children four spacious and bright learning rooms as well as a garden that offers many opportunities for children to balance, dig and explore the natural world around… Read more about Twizzle Tops Day Nursery Ipswich

  • Type of Nursery
  • Day Nursery
  • 50 Places