Nurseries with Vacancies in and around Kenley (London)

1 Kenley (London) Nurseries with Vacancies (nearest to centre) | 38 Reviews

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Little Learners Day Nursery - Purley

The School House, Beaumont Primary, Old Lodge Lane, Purley CR8 4DN  0.8 miles away

9.7 38 reviews
"Both of my children have attended Little Learners Day Nursery Purley over the years. My daughter attended 7 years ago and my son has just…"   Read all 38 reviews

Little Learners, Purley is a small and friendly day nursery for children from two to five years-of-age. The refurbished nursery is located in Beaumont Primary School House and has a large, garden with trim trail, planting areas and a large climbing section. They… Read more about Little Learners Day Nursery - Purley

  • Type of Nursery
  • Day Nursery
  • 32 Places