Nursery Schools & Preschools in and around New Malden

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3 New Malden Nursery Schools (nearest to centre) | 45 Reviews

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Modern Montessori International, MMI Preschool, Raynes Park

The Pavilion, Cottenham Park, Raynes Park, London SW20 0DH  1.3 miles away

9.8 30 reviews
"The most lovely nursery in the area. The teachers are lovely, always supporting my child. The settling in went smoothly and my child is…"   Read all 30 reviews

MMI is an established preschool in the middle of the picturesque Cottenham Park. This preschool offers a welcoming, friendly atmosphere and is known for a nurturing environment and stimulating Montessori curriculum. When given the flexibility and liberty… Read more about Modern Montessori International, MMI Preschool, Raynes Park

  • Type of Nursery
  • Nursery School
  • 30 Places
Green Lane Nursery

45-47 Green Lane, New Malden KT3 5BU  0.7 miles away

8.4 15 reviews
  • Type of Nursery
  • Nursery School
  • 40 Places
The Norwegian Kindergarten in London

28 Arterberry Road, Wimbledon, London SW20 8AH  1.7 miles away

  • Type of Nursery
  • Nursery School
  • 26 Places