Nursery Schools & Preschools in and around Penarth

1 Penarth Nursery Schools (nearest to centre) | 16 Reviews

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Howell's Nursery

Howell's School, Llandaff (GDST), Cardiff Road, Cardiff CF5 2YD  3.9 miles away

10 16 reviews
"We love the nursery at Howell's Nursery. The space feels warm, welcoming and inspires creativity. There are so many engaging activities…"   Read all 16 reviews

Every day is a new adventure at Howell's Nursery. From pulling on wellies and exploring the green garden, splashing in the pool during their weekly swimming lessons to hunting for pirate treasure with their PE coaches and finding high notes and low sounds… Read more about Howell's Nursery

  • Type of Nursery
  • Nursery School
  • 40 Places