Monthly Fees: Under 3's: 2 days = £746, 3 days = £1113, 4 days = £1483, 5 days = £1815. Over 3's: 2 days = £711, 3 days = £1066, 4 days = £1420, 5 days = £1740. Daily Rate: Under 3's = £87 Over 3's = £83
We accept 15/30h funding for children from the term following their 3rd birthday.
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Job Title: Nursery Manager
Joined: 2013
Hannah has worked at Monkey Puzzle Ridgmont Road since 2013 and has worked with children and young people since 2009 in a range of roles including volunteering.
Hannah has achieved both a Level 2 & 3 qualification in Children and Young People's workforce as well as more recently completing a Level Diploma in Leadership and Management in Early Years.
Job Title: Nursery Deputy Manager
Joined: 2015
Louise joined the Monkey Puzzle Team in January 2015 and has worked in nursery settings for several years before. Louise is qualified to Level 3 in Children & Young People's Workforce.
Louise supports the nursery team through streamlining daily routines, assisting with planning ideas and implementation as well as ensuring the smooth running of the nursery day to day.
Information on this page is displayed without responsibility for its accuracy on the part of Please contact Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery St Albans Ridgmont Road to verify any information. View our terms and conditions. Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery St Albans Ridgmont Road has a Platinum Service – more info.