Conveniently situated at the Springfield Stadium on Janvrin Road, Busy Bees Leeward offers day care for up to 70 children aged from birth to five years.
Like all nurseries in the Busy Bees family, Busy Bees Leeward is dedicated to delivering the best care to all children. Their team is not only experienced but also warm and friendly, with all members of staff understanding the importance of their role for both the child and their family. Diversity is valued and encouraged, and a member of the team spends time with every child to learn about them, their routines, and their likes and dislikes in order to build a meaningful relationship.
Children are provided an array of opportunities to play, learn and explore. There is access to purposeful indoor and outdoor facilities, all with the aim of encouraging curiosity and developing different skills.
If children are spending meal times with the nursery, they are given a freshly prepared and nutritional meal which encourages them to discover different foods in line with any dietary needs specified. Balanced drinks and snacks are also provided.
The team actively communicate with families, so you'll always be given an update on what your child has done during their time with Busy Bees.