Standard Rate - £7 per hour.
10% Discounted rate for Siblings. Terms & Conditions Apply.
Meals - £3 per day. Applies to children over 12 months and includes Breakfast, Morning Snack, Lunch, Afternoon Snack & Dinner.
All food is freshly prepared on the premises. We cater for a variety of dietary requirements & are happy to discuss dietary needs on an individual basis.
All contracts will require a minimum of 8 hours booked per week; all booked sessions are still charged at full fee during periods of sickness & holidays. Bookings can be made in 30 minute increments with a minimum session time of 4 hours. Additional hours / late fees will be charged at our standard rate in 15 minute increments.
2 year funded spaces are offered subject to availability & meeting the Department for Education's eligibility criteria.
3 & 4 year old funded spaces are offered subject to availability & meeting the Department for Education's eligibility criteria. The Early Education Funding rate does not cover additional services such as resources, trips and extra activities such as music and dance, therefore, we charge a consumables contribution fee of £1.80 per funded hour to cover these costs. The consumables fee does not apply to children previously in receipt of 2 year old Funding.
If your child is not yet eligible for 2 year or 3 year old funding, please check to see if you are eligible for Tax Free Childcare. You can apply by visiting the gov uk website.
Sickness and Holidays:
No charge will be made when the setting is closed for bank holidays or during our Christmas Break. In the event of an Emergency full or partial refunds may be made at our discretion. Full fees are chargeable at all other times.
If a child is unable to attend a booked session for any reason, including sickness & holidays payment is still due.
For holidays & sickness where parents work on a rota and there is no regular booking pattern, an average booking charge will be calculated using the previous 12 weeks attendance.
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Information on this page is displayed without responsibility for its accuracy on the part of Please contact Carmela Coady Childcare to verify any information. View our terms and conditions. Carmela Coady Childcare has a Basic Service – more info.