Full time place starting from £1,560
Full day from £81.50
A large car park is located at the side of the nursery, along with some roadside parking right in front of the main entrance.
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Job Title: Nursery Manager
Joined: 2016
Kate - Senior Manager at Wolverton and has a wealth of experience in Early Years and holds a Level 3 qualification. Since working for Acorn Kate has worked across 4 Acorn settings progressing from a senior to a manager, and has gained her Forest School qualification.
Kate is passionate about providing the children with open-ended experiences, focusing on the interests of each individual child and facilitating a rich environment that captures awe and wonder, to extend the children’s learning using natural resources and providing first-hand experience to maintain high well-being and involvement throughout the nursery. Kate supports all staff to provide the children with high-quality child care to help build a stable foundation in preparation for the upcoming chapters in their lives.
Kate is also Wolverton Mills Designated Safeguarding Lead, so if you ever have any concerns or would like to chat about anything safeguarding-related, please visit or call the nursery and ask to speak to Kate directly - alternatively, the setting can provide a direct email address for her.
Information on this page is displayed without responsibility for its accuracy on the part of daynurseries.co.uk. Please contact Acorn Day Nursery (Wolverton Mill) to verify any information. View our terms and conditions. Acorn Day Nursery (Wolverton Mill) has a Platinum Service – more info.