Multi-award-winning children's home in Scotland registered for 6 children up to the age of 18. Annual Turnover for Y.E 2023 £536,464 with and EBITDA of £237,944 Rated "Very Good" by Care Inspectorate Scotland. Opportunity to
- This is a great opportunity for an experienced operator looking to add to their group or a first-time buyer looking to acquire their first nursery via an asset sale of Leasehold interest in this recently closed nursery in the
Abacus are pleased to bring to the market this former children’s day nursery located in Aberdeenshire. - Suitable For Various Uses. - Large Outdoor Area. - Beautiful Views To Rear. - Prominent Position In Residential Area. -
Freehold Day Nursery with a capacity for 47 children aged 0 months to 5 years Care Inspectorate Grading ‘Very Good’ T/O YE August 2022 £235,574 Management run, fully enclosed garden areas, retirement sale Well-established
Well-established nursery with a capacity for 87 children with a qualified management team in place Turnover YE September 2023 £777, 923 EBITDA £298,000 for the freehold/EBITDA £238k for the leasehold after rent Qualified