Lease - Closed Children's Day Nursery Abacus are pleased to bring to the market this closed children's day nursery on a leasehold basis. - Established Nursery Location With Over 25 Years Of History. - Prime Ipswich Town Centre
Children's Day Nursery - Suffolk Abacus are pleased to bring to the market this children’s day nursery located in Suffolk. - Prominent Position In Residential Area. - Accounts Available To 31st May 2024. - Annual Turnover
Indoor Entertainment Venue – South East England Abacus Day Nursery are pleased to bring to the market this leasehold indoor entertainment venue located in the South East of England. - Superb Trading Position In an Affluent Town.
- Established 8 years ago, capacity for 62 children - Very spacious premises and superbly presented throughout with an impressive outdoor play area and large gardens - Profitable with fee income for 2023 of
Registered for c. 235 children in total aged 3 months to 11 years Turnover of £594,509 for y/e May 2024 Presented in good condition Semi-rural Suffolk location within close proximity to the A11 and RAF base