Outdoor Education Business - Lancashire

Property Title: Outdoor Education Business - Lancashire

Property Type: Other

For Sale / Sold: Sold

Date Posted: 04 Jul 2019

Location: Rossendale, Lancashire

Guide Price: £69,995 (Leasehold)

Property Agency: Abacus Day Nursery Sales

Reference: 6865


Outdoor Education Business - Lancashire

• Currently Only Operating Within 15 Mile...
• ...Radius Of Rossendale Across 4 Sites
• Operates Forest Schools & Forest School Leader Training
• Accounts Available Year End 28th Feb 2019
• Annual Turnover £98,564
• Gross Profit £58,143
• High Profit Levels
• Accounts Available After Viewing
• Managed From Home
• Knowledgeable Staff
• Hours Can Be Catered To Suit
• Sign Written Van & All Equipment Included
• Enviable Reputation In Local Area
• National Trust & Woodland Trust Relationships
• Scope To Introduce Franchise Opportunities
• Potential To Cater For More Private Parties
• Handover Period Offered

Leasehold: £69,995

Blacks Business Brokers are pleased to bring to the market this outdoor education business currently operating in Bury, Ainsworth and Bolton.

Communitree Outdoor Education was established in 2014 by our client to meet demand for a wide range of Outdoor Education experiences for people of all ages in the Lancashire and Greater Manchester areas. The business started with one site in Summerseat and has since grown to operate from four sites; The Island Summerseat, George’s Wood Ainsworth, Turton Tower Turton and Smithill’s Estate Bolton. CommuniTree also have an agreement with the National Trust to work at their Gawthorpe Hall site in Padiham. The site agreements are with Summerseat Community Group, Blackburn and Darwen Council, The Woodland Trust and as mentioned The National Trust.

The business is ideally suited to a hands-on owner-operator with a passion for outdoor education but due to the demands of our client's other business commitments being higher than anticipated, the business is offered for sale. This presents an excellent opportunity for a new owner-operator or team to take the business to the next level.

Communitree Outdoor Education offers a wide range of programs that span all ages these include: Outdoor Pre-School sessions; Forest School; Primary School Curriculum Enhancement Days (nature based school trips); John Muir Conservation Award; Adult Training in Outdoor Education, Nature Crafts, Forest School Leader Training (Level 1 and 3), Storytelling, Bushcraft and much more. At the weekends they run outdoor birthday parties and family events. There is also a school holiday program in place, this could easily be up-scaled and rolled out over numerous sites. The business has a comprehensive website on which it advertises ‘Corporate Team Building’ – our client has completed a handful of these courses, but these haven’t previously been marketed due to time and staff limitations. CommuniTree are a registered provider with John Muir Trust and Open College Network. This business sale includes a comprehensive website, a range of outdoor equipment including tents, tarpaulin, campfire equipment and much more across all sites as well as a 2012 Renault van which is fully sign written.

The business operates with one full time and two part time administrators working 52 weeks per year in addition to two full time term time team leaders working over 39 weeks per year and a team of freelance staff used as required during busy periods. Our client oversees the management of the business and works in a hands on roll as much as possible.

Communitree Outdoor Education has traded solidly since opening and our client has established a strong customer base. Accounts for year ending 28th February 2019 show annual turnover of £98,564 and gross profits of £58,143.

CommuniTree is a strong business with a reputation which is second to none. Our client has established strong connections both with local schools and families but also with large organisations too such as The National Trust and Woodland Trust. The foundations of the business are secure with a successful program that is very much in demand. The opportunity to grow this business lies within upscaling to spread into more sites. The sites at Gawthorpe Hall, Turton Tower and Smithill’s have massive potential to expand further. Another strength of the business is that certain programs have the potential to succeed as business of their own - birthday parties in particular with the right investment could become a sustainable business alone – however, more staff or a hands on owner operating team would be hugely beneficial. Early meetings with our client are strongly advised at the earliest opportunity.

Fixtures & Fittings
62 Plate Sign Written Renault Van
Pop Up Tents
Saws Loppers
Campfire Grills & Pans

Financial Information
Annual Turnover: £98,564
Gross Profit: £58,143
Net Profit: £11,543
Opening Times

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