Hello Butterfly families,
Welcome back after your summer break, and welcome to our new Butterfly children and their families, it is so lovely to have all the children return, ready for a new term of learning and fun.
This week has been all about Settling In and Getting to Know Each other. We have concentrated on making new friends, playing together and settling into new routines. We have worked together to come up with five things that make us as Butterflies, special and enable us to work together and to keep us safe. The children decided on many of these and we discuss their importance throughout the sessions.
Sharing toys Walking feet in class Kind hands and feet Quiet voices in class so we can listen to each other We are friends with everyone Already this week, the teachers have noticed the children implementing our classroom ethos and we have praised them together.
Next week, our topic of the week will be Making Friends and how we can make friends, what being a friend means and how we can all show kindness to our friends. We will have different activities to promote this topic.
If any of you would like to share your adventures over the weekend with us, please upload some photos onto the Famly app either as a parent observation or via a message, we love to get to know your families and friends and talk to the children about their world outside of nursery.
Please remember, the staff at Coloured Ribbons are here should any of you have any queries, please ask at the door, contact us on the telephone or message us via Famly app.
We hope you all have a fabulous weekend together, it is set to be a hot one so stay safe and enjoy it.
Take care,
From everyone at Coloured Ribbons Childcare
(Butterfly Staff)