‘GOOD’ for Boys & Girls Nursery Watford!

Last Updated: 02 Nov 2023 @ 00:00 AM

Following a recent Ofsted inspection, Boys & Girls Nursery are delighted to report that their Watford setting has achieved a ‘GOOD’ rating. The nursery was inspected on 28th September and the inspector commented on the children receiving a well-balanced and broad curriculum across the nursery.

The nursery has been rated as ‘good’ in all areas and the Ofsted inspector also commented that ‘Parents praise how their children have settled in’.

Special mentions were made about the nursery team, noting ‘Staff clearly understand what they want children to learn’. ‘Staff understand how to extend children’s learning at the right time, and to help their good progress’. ‘Staff know children’s likes and dislikes and shape activities to help all children access learning equally’.

Natasha Kirby, Director commented ‘We are very proud of our latest Ofsted report and are so pleased to achieve a grading the team truly deserve. We work extremely hard to provide an environment where our children feel valued and supported in their learning, and it’s great to see this reflected in the comments made by the inspectors’.

click here for more details or to contact Boys & Girls Nursery Ltd