Meadow View Day Nursery declared ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted

Last Updated: 14 Aug 2024 @ 00:00 AM

There was cause for celebration at Meadow View Day Nursery in Newport Pagnell as proud practitioners and parents learnt that the setting had achieved an ‘Outstanding’ judgement from Ofsted, following their inspection in July.

An outcome achieved by only 14% of all English Early Years providers, the inspector praised the devoted staff team on Westbury Lane for their “deep awareness of what children need to learn relevant to their age and stage of development”, resulting in “rich and secure understanding”, “high levels of confidence” and “superb problem-solving skills”.

In the report, the inspector observed that “children rapidly gain a broad vocabulary as staff introduce them to new words”, describing pre-schoolers as “eloquent talkers” who “joyfully talk with adults, engaging them in deep conversations”, with practitioners going to special efforts to create bespoke resources for children learning English as an additional language.

Practitioners were credited for their “swift and reliable intervention” when recognising that children need extra support with learning, with the inspector adding; “when staff identify children's specific needs, such as how they prefer to communicate, staff undertake training to learn about these before children start at the nursery”, demonstrating their commitment.

Partnerships with parents were also admired by the inspector, who noted; “All parents are welcomed and embraced by the nursery staff as true partners in their children's education. Through the parent forum, parents shape the nursery into the provision that they want and need for their children. Parents say that the nursery feels like an extension of home.”

Ofsted Inspector, Hayley Marshall-Gowen explained;

“Children flourish at the nursery and make huge gains in their learning and development. They follow a clear and concise curriculum that focuses on exactly what they need to know. There is early intervention to ensure children with special educational needs and/or disabilities thrive. All staff thoroughly know and understand the overarching ethos of the nursery and precisely what children need to learn next.”

Meadow View Day Nursery Manager, Danielle Wright, who was described as an “inspirational leader” by the inspector, said;

“We are over the moon to be named as Outstanding by Ofsted. We really strive to give our families the best possible early years’ experience and to have this recognised is amazing. We are so proud of the nurturing environment we have created and are incredibly grateful for the continued support of our nursery parents, who this wouldn’t be possible without.”

click here for more details or to contact Meadow View Day Nursery (Newport Pagnell)