Group Features

Maximise your exposure

As a Featured Nursery Group, your logo and a photo of one of your nurseries (photo chosen by random rotation or selectable in your Control Panel) will appear on the home page and also on the Groups section page.

Contact our Sales Team for pricing

Becoming a Featured Day Nursery Group on really gets your brand noticed.

The photo & logo link to your Group Profile Page. The display order of the 10 Feature Groups will rotate randomly on each page load.

Please click here to see the current Featured Nursery Groups.

Speak to our expert sales team

We’ll help increase your enquiries and unlock your nursery’s full potential.

Enhanced / Premium / Platinum

Fill your Nursery, generate trusted reviews and recruit the best staff. 1 in 4 Nurseries in the UK currently subscribe to an Enhanced, Premium or Platinum Service.

Group Competitor Features

With a Group Competitor Feature, you will appear on every Basic (Non Enhanced/Premium/Platinum) Nursery Group profile page on

Area Features

Ensure you appear at the top of the search results in your chosen area. A great way to maintain maximum exposure and generate enquiries.