My little boy has been here since he was under a year. The girls were
great at the start and helped him wean from being exclusively
breastfeeding to taking a bottle and weaning food. He is still there and
will be graduating this year and I’m so thankful for all they did during
covid with still communicating with us. Being helpful through any hard
times we have had as a family and not just being his careers at nursery
but happy to help and discuss anything we find going wrong such as
toilet training, sleep training and more. The girls are always happy to
answer questions beyond what he does just at nursery and the team is
always welcoming to him. Any problems or advice they think will help
they will share. Getting pictures and videos about his day is so nice
and makes me not feel like I have missed any of his journey growing up.
The girls love to get feedback and improve on anything talked about.
Latest Reviews for Mini Willows Day Nursery
02 April 2023
My little boy has been here since he was under a year. The girls were
great at the start and helped him wean from being exclusively
breastfeeding to taking a bottle and weaning food. He is still there and
will be graduating this year and I’m so thankful for all they did during
covid with still communicating with us. Being helpful through any hard
times we have had as a family and not just being his careers at nursery
but happy to help and discuss anything we find going wrong such as
toilet training, sleep training and more. The girls are always happy to
answer questions beyond what he does just at nursery and the team is
always welcoming to him. Any problems or advice they think will help
they will share. Getting pictures and videos about his day is so nice
and makes me not feel like I have missed any of his journey growing up.
The girls love to get feedback and improve on anything talked about.